
The PAVE Branch Dashboard allows clients a summarized view of all the inspections that have been sent to users, along with details and status updates of each of these inspections, in real time.

Dashboard Features

  • Inspection status summary:

    • View Total Requests, Inspections not yet started, Opened, Started, and Completed Inspections

  • Summary view by inspection type:

    • Live view: View all live inspections. ie. in production environment

    • Test view: View all test inspections. ie. in test environment

  • Send new inspections to users

  • View status of each inspection

  • Search and Filter inspections

  • Track sessions in real time

  • Photos: View inspection photos and processing time for each photo

  • Notes: Add session notes for each inspection for future reference

  • Inspection Results: View inspection results in a shareable HTML page, as well as PDF based Condition Report

  • Export Sessions to CSV

Note: These features may be visible or hidden from your account dashboard if required by your account administrator

Last updated