VIN Assignment

This section explains the 'VIN Assignment' feature that allows the assignment of specific VINs to the Branch Accounts and shows the completion of inspections for such VINs on the Enterprise Dashboard

Optional Feature: This feature may not appear on your dashboard. Please email us at if you do not see this feature and wish to add it to your account."

How to navigate the 'VIN Assignment' feature

Step 1: Access the feature on the Enterprise Dashboard

After logging into your Enterprise dashboard, access the new feature by navigating to 'Settings' and then 'VIN Assignment' as shown below

Step 2: VIN Assignment Purpose Codes

The first step to activate this feature is to set up the purpose codes to define fields that capture the inspection information necessary to specify the inspection's purpose and completion timeframe. Begin by clicking on the 'NEW PURPOSE CODE' button.

These purpose codes are a field within the VIN upload template which indicate the information needed to know:

  • Which included code relates to each VIN that is included in the uploaded file

  • What the Purpose or “Inspection Type” relating to each VIN is

  • In how much time does the assignment have to be completed in based on the Purpose Code.

Temporary VIN Assignment:

Activating this feature assigns that VIN to a specific user account name specified in the file upload. Selecting this will make the Account Username a mandatory field for each assignment that has this Purpose code associated.

Step 3: Download Assignment Template

Download the CSV template after adding your purpose codes to facilitate populating test data. This will allow you to simulate the assignment of VINs to specific accounts for inspections tied to the designated Purpose Code.

Step 4: Populate the template with a VIN and Account for the assignment

Enter the VIN of the vehicle you want to test in the PAVE Branch Account and the Purpose Code to assign the test date. Also, specify the account name from which you wish to conduct the test, which will receive the assignment once uploaded.

Step 5: Upload the Saved CSV File

To upload the file, go to the 'VIN Assignment' section and click 'Upload Inspection Assignment', as shown below.

Upon successful upload, the screen will display the following confirmation.

If the assignment validation fails, follow the error prompts to identify the issues, adjust your CSV file accordingly, and then reattempt the upload.

As the next step, the Branch account user can then see this VIN assignment on their Branch dashboards and complete the inspection for these VINs. Read more here

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