Customize Video

Add a custom YouTube video to the PAVE capture home screen

Customize Home Screen Video

You can now customize the video on the PAVE Capture home screen as per your branding requirements.

Steps to Change the Capture Home Screen Video

1. Toggle ON the 'Customize Videos' button, inside 'Branding', under 'Settings'

2. Add the YouTube video link

3. Done. Any new sessions created will reflect the custom YouTube link added above.

This feature only supports YouTube videos at this time.

Adding Custom Video to a specific API Key

You can also add a custom video for Capture sessions generated by a specific API Key

  1. EDIT the API Key for which to add custom video links.

  2. Add the Custom Video Link as shown below.

  3. Click 'Save Changes'

'Customize Video' feature must be Toggled ON prior to setting up API Key specific custom home screen video links

API Key specific home screen videos can be different than the video added for all other sessions here

Last updated