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Status Codes
Once an inspection is created, it can hold one of the following statuses, and the inspection status can be easily identified by the icon placed on the top left of each listed inspection module.
In the IDLE Status, the inspection link has been generated and the session is yet to start
In the STARTED status, the user has started the inspection by clicking the 'GET STARTED' icon on the Capture UI, but has not yet captured any images
In the PROCESS status, the user has started capturing the vehicle photos and the inspection is now in process
In the CAPTURED status, all the session images have been captured and accepted by the PAVE inspection engine. Now, the PAVE inspection engine starts detecting the damages.
In the WAITING CONFIRM status, the PAVE inspection engine has completed the inspection process and is awaiting the Condition Report to be generated.
In the COMPLETE status, the Condition Report for the session has been generated as a PDF and the session is now complete.
Sessions are set to INVALID status when they have the required photos but PAVE cannot complete the inspection do to a mismatch between the VIN and 1 or more photos captured in the sequence.
Sessions that are not yet complete can be set to 'expire', which then prevents those sessions from processing any further. You can read more about this feature .
Monitor the status of inspections using visual cues